Trusted Sport & Concert Tickets

No Taxes/Fees. CDN Funds. Plus a Portion of Sales Go To Charitable Causes.

A Win - Win Opportunity for Everyone

Place Your Ticket Request!

Choosing Karma Tickets Helps My Desire to Make A Difference in the World!

Jagger Long, Karma Tickets

In June 2106, I treated 3 Special Needs friends of mine to a one week All -Inclusive trip to Cuba using profits I made from Karma Tickets!

In November 2016, I fed 80 homeless residents who live in a local shelter a pizza and pop dinner! Special Thanks to Panago Pizza in Liberty Village for giving me a discount buying 20 large pizzas.

Upcoming:  On Tuesday March 14th, 2017, Karma Tickets is treating 100 participants and staff from 3 local community programs who serve homeless, single mothers and families in need to a buffet lunch and movie (which will be played on every) TV at Williams Landing restaurant in Liberty Village. This special afternoon is paid for buy profits from Karma Tickets.

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Liberty Village CARES